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When is it okay to see a Therapist?

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month I wanted to take a moment to share when it is okay to see a Therapist. One of the biggest myths about therapy is: "Something must be wrong with you if you see a Therapist." This is so far from the truth. There are so many reasons why therapy may be beneficial for you.

  1. Transitions

Therapy is a great tool for navigating transitions. Some examples of transitions include:

  • Going to college

  • Graduating college into adulthood

  • Being single to dating

  • Dating to marriage

  • Marriage to divorce

  • Becoming a parent

  • Becoming an empty nester

  • Or any other transitional period

Working with a therapist can help you navigate all transitional periods in your life.

2. To learn coping strategies

Therapy is a great way to learn how to manage stress, and symptoms of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, adjustment, or ADHD.

Having a self-care routine can make a world of difference in your ability to manage daily stressors.

Self-Care Categories to consider in creating a self-care routine include:

  • Emotional

  • Physical

  • Intellectual

  • Spiritual

  • Practical

  • Professional

  • Environmental

The Self-Care Blueprint ebook is designed to help you create the perfect self-care routine that works for your lifestyle.

Download a copy here: The Self-Care Blueprint

3. The have an unbiased space to just be yourself

As a therapist it is my goal to create an environment where clients can show up to be themselves. In today's world, how often are you able to feel comfortable showing up as your full AUTHENTIC self? Therapy should be a safe space for you to do just that. Whatever you might be feeling. Whatever language you want to use. I'm here to hold space for you. You cursing today? We are cursing today!

4. To create boundaries and enhance your interpersonal skills

In therapy we are creating boundaries to protect your peace, and help you feel comfortable in sharing your truths in an assertive, but respectful way. Some of the things focused on in therapy when it comes to how we interact with others include:

  • Establishing and maintaining boundaries

  • Passive-aggressive behaviors

  • Assertive communication

  • Conflict resolution skills

  • Affirming your voice

  • Knowing the value of your perspective

  • Knowing when to speak and when it's okay not to speak

  • People pleasing

5. To process a traumatic event

There are various types of trauma that happen on a daily basis. In therapy we will work on processing traumatic events and reducing any symptoms that you may be experiencing as a result of the traumatic event. Some examples of traumatic events include:

  • Natural disasters

  • Sexual assault

  • Physical assault

  • Witnessing a crime

  • Sudden death of a loved one

  • Medical issues and hospitalizations

  • Physical or emotional abuse

  • Sexual abuse

  • War

  • Terroristic Events

I hope this has been beneficial. Please share with someone who has been considering therapy and has some hesitations. Therapy can help you grow in so many areas of life.

There are many directories for finding a therapist that fits your needs. Interview your therapist. Most therapists provide consultations to determine if you both are a good fit for one another. Here are a few directories.

Black Female Therapists:


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